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Date joined: 18 years, 2 months ago
Last login: 1 year, 6 months ago
Surrealism is about freedom of the body and mind...They're about tearing down walls and stretching boundaries...Surrealism is about the 'expression of imagination as revealed in dreams, free of the conscious control of reason and free of convention.'* It's about a love for creative expression through audio and visual media...Surrealism is not just a band...not just an art form...but is a 'cultural, artistic, and intellectual movement oriented toward the liberation of the mind by emphasizing the critical and imaginative faculties of the 'unconscious mind' and the attainment of a state different from, 'more than', and ultimately 'truer' than everyday reality: the 'sur-real', or 'more than real'. For many Surrealists, this orientation toward transcending everyday reality toward one that incorporates the imaginative and the unconscious has manifested itself in the intent to bring about personal, cultural, political and social revolution, sometimes conceived or described as a complete transformation of life by freedom, poetry, love, and sexuality. In the words of Andr? Breton, generally regarded as the founder of surrealism: 'beauty will be convulsive or not at all.' At various times individual surrealists aligned themselves with communism and anarchism to advance radical political and social change, arguing that only transformed institutions of work, the family, and education could make possible a general participation to the surreal. More recently some surrealists have participated in feminist and radical environmentalist activities for similar reasons. The word 'surreal' is often used colloquially to describe unexpected juxtapositions or use of non-sequiturs in art or dialog, particularly where such juxtapositions are presented as self-consistent [1]. It is also used in everyday language to describe experiences that are highly unusual, that breach the conventions of everday life, that are dreamlike, or that manifest the logic of the unconscious. These usages are often independent of any direct connection to Surrealism the movement and are used in both formal and informal contexts. This usage has frequently been criticised, often strongly, by Surrealist