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Date joined: 21 years, 4 months ago
Last login: 1 year, 7 months ago
Artist David Rickerby has been travelling, skydiving and painting for 25 years, and has now compiled this website for the most enjoyable viewing of his artwork. Click on the thumbnail of any piece to get a better look, and don't miss the 'zoom in' buttons when they appear! Over the years, David has painted thousands of pieces on hundreds of surfaces, including oil paintings, murals, parachute containers, motorcycles, vans, boats and airplanes, or as David says, 'Anything that will stand long enough to paint on!', and he's also designed hundreds of computer graphics, logos and t-shirt designs; all as detailed and individual as the people or subject they were intended for. This website features a selection of his work, however, there are still hundreds of pieces to be added! David is asking all Rickerby artwork owners to please send photographs or jpeg files, and get in touch so your pieces can be included on this site! Also, because this site is still in the preliminary stages, David would appreciate any comments, suggestions and feedback. Your criticism is educational and essential, so insults are welcome!