
It was once a dream.Version. 01

Date added: 18 years, 11 months ago

Last updated: 2 years, 4 months ago

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I am an artist and I dig intellectual things.Everything I create is something alive within my subconscience. It comes to life while dreaming, or when my mind is in an altered state. I attain natural highs to achieve awareness of another realm within myself. When my mind can no longer differentiate between the two domains, I paint. My art is and always will remain a part of me. <br><br><b>I do NOT put my artwork up for sale, however I am always willing to part with it if the right buyer comes along.</b> I have a great attachment with my artwork though I realize it isn't outstanding, or different from the rest, it is a part of me. Removing those parts of me are not something I find easy to do, and I can not just set a price. A piece is worth what someone is willing to pay, not a price I put on it. I can not allow myself to do that. So if you find yourself interested, please contact me.
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0:00 3:45