pride goeth

Date added: 18 years, 1 month ago

Last updated: 2 years, 4 months ago

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I dabble. I can't seem to stop - every artistic form interests me, which makes me think there should be a third day to the weekend - there's play day, sleep and clean day... and art day. Then, maybe, I'd be able to finish a drawing, figure out where to go to fire clay, and teach my cat to paint. Someday, probably far from now since there is no weekly art day I will finish writing a book. It'll be about multiple dimensions, politics, spiritual exploration, vampires and teen angst. And all shall tremble. Okay, they won't... until the end, at which point they will jones for the next installment. Happy dreams... Until then, I shall teach children to think outside the box and try not to get fired in the process. I wonder if there's a special place in the afterlife for people who tried really hard to get everything done but were unwilling to forego sleep to do it. Probably not. Especially not for those types who are addicted to stupid timewasters like Civilization III and Myspace. But eh. I'll keep working and playing and sleeping and see what happens. Oh, and dabbling. Always with the dabbling.
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