Trying to fool destiny
This album has ten original bossa novasamba songs, all composed by Paulo Muniz and recorded by some of the best brazilian musicians. The recordings took place at BR PLUS and TBS studios, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during aproximately nine months, in 2006.
Date added: 18 years ago
Last updated: 2 years, 4 months ago
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Paulo Muniz is a brazilian music artist born in february 27th 1976, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. After going through lots of types of music in his life, he started to study bossa nova, samba, mpb, jazz and later, classical music. Composing and arranging became the main streams of his artistic life as well as writing lyrics in portuguese and english. In the late 90's he started composing soundtracks for theatre plays and a TV channel. He finished his debut CD back in 2004 and is his second one is finished and currently available. It will contain original bossas novas and sambas in english. Buy it now!