Enochian Plane of Terra
Doorways into Enochian Elements
Date added: 16 years, 10 months ago
Last updated: 2 years, 4 months ago
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<a href = "http://www.myspace.com/ikipr">Ikipr</a> is a magician experimenting in the fields of man-machine interfacing through subtle etheric resonance, chaos, self made instrumentation, Qabbalistic musical correspondences and a transdisciplinary view of both art and Magick. He works in all mediums of digital and meatspace oriented artwork and enjoys bringing interactive displays or music to T.A.Z.s - He has run the netlabel <a href = "http://www.aleph9.com">Aleph9</a> since 2005 and also heads the informative blog <a href ="http://stealthisknowledge.liber.us">Phase II</a> in an attempt to spread information through piracy, podcast interviews and articles as well. He has developed a set of magickal correspondences to harmonic notes through chaos magick but linking back to all hermetic systems. This can be viewed at the <a href = "http://www.aleph9.com/theory.html">theory section of Aleph9</a><br><br><A href = "http://ikipr.blogspot.com">Ikipr Central Manifestation Port</a><br>Videos:<br><a href = "http://www.altertube.tv/view_video.php?viewkey=357d834a87ce618a55de">Aeonics</a><br><a href = "http://www.aleph9.com/musing.html">More @ Aleph9's musing section</a><br>Interviews:<br>Alterati Interview <A href = "http://www.alterati.com/blog/?p=1568">Pt I</a> and <a href = "http://www.alterati.com/blog/?p=1573">Pt II</a><br><a href = "http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8784334424969448294&">ESR-Quantum Chaos</a><br><a href = "http://www.altertube.tv/view_video.php?viewkey=4254d26e9c7f2af1005c&page=1&viewtype=&category=mr">ESR-Occult Warfare</a><br><a href = "http://www.altertube.tv/view_video.php?viewkey=4a40b78132f1e71a9e6f&page=1&viewtype=&category=mr">ESR-Mod Squad</a><br><a href = "http://stealthisknowledge.liber.us/category/podcast/">Phase II Podcast</a>