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The Terrorist

<p><CENTER><font size="1"><i>"An era has ended, is <br>the hushed whisper on <br>the lips of boys and men.<P>"A time has passed when <br>our hopes and dreams our<br>strength could steadily transcend.<p>"Shadows we see in this doppelganger reality<br> erode to distant memories and to dust.<br>Faces we longed for in this replica country<br> collapse into clones lacking heart and soul.<p>"Peace and security is the banner of the time<br>for the stability of the home is a picture<br>hanging on the walls of empty houses.<p>"The strength of honor<br>and the courage of truth<br>are the doormats of notoriety,<br>successful like our leaders<br>once noble desire now submits<br>to the decadence of selfdefeat."</i><p>- The Days that are no More<P></font></center><P>Casares takes a look at the world and picks at its bones. This newest collection has a socially conscious ring to it in flourish of poetry and verse...<P> <font color="gray"><b>NOW AVAILABLE!</font></b> <BR><b>Release date: January 20th, 2009</b>


Date added: 15 years, 8 months ago

Last updated: 2 years ago

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Last login: 1 year, 11 months ago
<P>Welcome to Virgogray Press. We are a small, independent and free publishing group that follows the D.I.Y. tradition. We just "do it ourselves for you."And are taking this aesthetic along with other grass roots methods to crawl up the collective suits of America.<br>Virgogray Press is working to expand it's readership & holds the values of honesty and creativity at it's core, and is interested in the voice of the people. We are primarily a publisher of poetry created in a format accessible to readers everywhere in this new century...<P><hr><P>Pleae vist for info on submitting your manuscript...<P><HR><P><img src=""><P>