<p><CENTER><font size="1"><i>"An era has ended, is <br>the hushed whisper on <br>the lips of boys and men.<P>"A time has passed when <br>our hopes and dreams our<br>strength could steadily transcend.<p>"Shadows we see in this doppelganger reality<br> erode to distant memories and to dust.<br>Faces we longed for in this replica country<br> collapse into clones lacking heart and soul.<p>"Peace and security is the banner of the time<br>for the stability of the home is a picture<br>hanging on the walls of empty houses.<p>"The strength of honor<br>and the courage of truth<br>are the doormats of notoriety,<br>successful like our leaders<br>once noble desire now submits<br>to the decadence of selfdefeat."</i><p>- The Days that are no More<P></font></center><P>Casares takes a look at the world and picks at its bones. This newest collection has a socially conscious ring to it in flourish of poetry and verse...<P> <font color="gray"><b>NOW AVAILABLE!</font></b> <BR><b>Release date: January 20th, 2009</b>
Date added: 15 years, 8 months ago
Last updated: 2 years ago
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