Farting Fire

<center><P><font size="1"><i>"You are confused<br>life is war to you<br>that is perfect<br>you wouldnt have it any other way<br>No one understands you<br>Great, you don't understand yourself<br>Dont worry about it<br>all you need to know is you dont need to know"</i><p>-Cliche Poem to a Poet Poem </font></center><P>Justin Blackburn's new book of collected poetry, Farting Fire, is 40 pages of hidden wisdoms from this twenty-something poet. This book is an answer to the moody blues that sometimes get us down as Justin tackles many of life's quandries with honest, witty, and youthful verse. Still, readers might be surprised to find the content of his first collection of poetry to be light-hearted and filled with lessons good to learn, though sometimes hard to share.</i><P> <font color="GRAY"><b>NOW AVAILABLE!</font><br><b>Release date: July 21, 2009<P>


Date added: 15 years, 6 months ago

Last updated: 2 years, 4 months ago

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<P>Welcome to Virgogray Press. We are a small, independent and free publishing group that follows the D.I.Y. tradition. We just "do it ourselves for you."And are taking this aesthetic along with other grass roots methods to crawl up the collective suits of America.<br>Virgogray Press is working to expand it's readership & holds the values of honesty and creativity at it's core, and is interested in the voice of the people. We are primarily a publisher of poetry created in a format accessible to readers everywhere in this new century...<P><hr><P>Pleae vist www.myspace.com/vgpsa for info on submitting your manuscript...<P><HR><P><img src="http://www.geocities.com/virgograypress/grafix/vgpmast.JPG"><P>
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